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Hello and welcome to my website!!


call me Tori Wilson

I recently moved to the country outer Victoria and have been bored out of my mind. It's suuuupper quite and boring so I've found ways of occupying myself ith…



I realized the paranormal potential when hearing about some old abandoned farms around me with some super spoo_y looking shed's and buildings. There's local rumours of demonic sacrifice and ritualistic practices occurring with in there wall's. Whit new sighting of strange people popping up every other day, felt it is my destiny to investigate! And finally get to the bottom to this local mystery.


I _ave recently participated in some small scale investigations (nothing to extreme) being labelled as a sort of local legend even making the town paper! TWICE!


(yo_ could say as well as a local legend by became like the town hero saving the innocent citizens kind of like small scale batman!)


After countless investigations , I have finally saved enough money (thanks to my part time job at Maccas) to go on my first night long heist with a few friends we are going soon and will posting updates! In my cases page as soon as I get back. You can help by donating to my expeditions here, _r check out my you tube channel


Welcome to BOO!ghostsnearyou.com, and thanks for supporting my passions and checking out my growing page!